Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Beautiful Niece Lily

I was home for Christmas this 2009 for a full week!  It it always good to be home with family as I do not get to do it often.  Well quite an eventful week it turned out to be.  My brother and sister-in-law had another beautiful baby girl (Daisy) who was born 3 1/2 month premature.  She was 1lb 4oz and 11inches at birth.  We are praying for her health and safety as she will be spending the next many months in an incubator.  With all of this happening my parents and I had the chance to babysit Daisy's big sister, Lily for a few days.  She was such a joy and full of life.  Anyhow, I of course had to pull out the camera and take a ton of pictures...below are just a couple that I have recently worked on since being back in Birmingham...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Grass is Always Greener

About Me

My photo
Birmingham, Alabama, United States
[I am]: Redeemed by the blood of Christ. A son to great parents. A brother to 3 brothers. A friend to many. A close friend to few. A dreamer. [I enjoy]: A good cup of coffee. A good book. Art. Photography. People. Music. Meaningful conversation. Serving. Thinking. Dreaming. Cooking. LOST. Camping. Sports. Fire. Quiet. The Ocean. The Mountains. Thunder & Lightning. Community.